Follow the upcoming Kickstarter campaign for all 3 games!

Production update and lots of small news bits


Production news
The Chinese New Year celebrations are here, so production is currently halted, but will resume on February 15.
In the meantime, the game has undergone safety testing, to make sure all the components are non-toxic, all the labels are in order and all kinds of things like that. Unfortunately, I made one small mistake, which was that I didn't have my address printed anywhere. We're fixing that by adding a little label on the inside of the box. Still learning :)

Final production copy arrived
I also received a final production copy of the game. It looks so beautiful, and the linen finish on the cards feels great.

Since I get this question a lot, here's a picture of all the cards, in sleeves, with the dividers separating all the different types. It fits live a glove.

Shipping in May
We're still on schedule for delivery in May. Freight transport is always a bit unpredictable, so I'll keep you updated when I know more.

Retail options
Some good news here! I've teamed up with Hydra Games Distribution, a European distributor for small game publishers and CoolStuffInc, a large online retailer.
Stock will be limited, and the retail price will be higher than the Kickstarter price, but it means more people will be able to play Heroes of Tenefyr, so I'm very happy with that.

Did someone say Expansion?
I mentioned a possible expansion in the last update, and people were pretty excited. Now I can say I've officially started working on an expansion! It's still very, very early in development, but expect to see new heroes, and more, in the future.

Print & Play & Pictures?
The Print & Play files were sent out 2 weeks ago, and I'd love to see what the creative Print & Play backers have crafted. If you have pictures of your Heroes of Tenefyr Print & Play game, post links in the comments, or send them to me on Twitter / Facebook / BGG!

As always, thank you for the support, and happy gaming!

© 2020 Broken Mill